Tuesday, May 10, 2011


1. a flood is caused when water inundates land which is normally dry.
2. flash flooding is when small rivers and streams are unable to cope with the sudden volume of water caused by heavy downpours so flooding results.
3. inland rivers are more subjective to floods because they have “walls” so fill up and coastle rivers tend to be short and fast flowing so it takes less time for the flooding to go away
4. destroys crops, damages buildings and towns have to be evacuated
5. more rain, more water, went for longer, higher flood height
6. economic – businesses had to evacuated and couldn’t make money, social – people would’ve died, environmental – the land would’ve changed due to the amount of water on the land.
7. a) 1000 km and 100 km
    b) 900 km
    c) because the water has somewhere to go in coastal rivers but inland rivers have nowhere to go 

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